ART CLEANBOX2 Hi-Z Guitar Ground Loop Isolator Box


ART CLEANBOX2 Hi-Z Guitar Ground Loop Isolator Box

RRP $159.99
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Vast expanses of electrical wiring interconnected through equally vast expanses of audio equipment will invariably cause what is known as "hum".


ART CleanBOX II 2 Channel Hum Eliminator
Vast expanses of electrical wiring interconnected through equally vast expanses of audio equipment will invariably cause what is known as "hum". This is a 60hZ drone caused most commonly by a "ground loop", that is a link between one power outlet socket's grounding connection and another's through connected audio equipment.

Eliminate Ground Hum
Ground Loops often occur when splitting a signal between a front of house mixing desk and a side of stage monitor desk. The easiest and safest way to eliminate this unwanted noise is with this simple and affordable Hum Eliminator. This box will isolate the grounding connection between input and output to prevent ground loops occurring.

Some examples of Ground Loops:

  • The power ground of a synthesizer, connected to the signal ground of the synth, into a mixer’s ground, then into a mixer’s power ground.
  • The signal ground of a send effect (reverb, delay) into a mixer, and the connecting power grounds of the mixer and the unit.
  • The power ground of a guitar amplifier, connected to a signal processor which has a second guitar amplifier on the other channel, and then the second guitar amp’s power ground.

ART (acronym: Applied Research & Technology) are renowned for producing devices that feature unique gadgets and functions that make you think "Why hasn't anyone thought of that before?".


  • Eliminates Ground Loops
  • 2 Channels
  • 2x 1/4" Inputs
  • 2x 1/4" Outputs
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Fender Bassbreaker 15 Hum

By: Ian on 15 March 2019
I, like a lot of other people have been struggling with hum in my Fender Bassbreaker 15 combo AMP. This amp has three structure settings. I could only really use the lowest setting because of the Hum. Today I purchased a ART Cleanbox 2 from swamp Industries. I tried a few positions in my signal train and settled with plugging the output of my pedals into the Cleanbox then into the input of the AMP. Problem solved. The cleanbox was recommended to me by Swamp Industries. Thanks for the advice.
By: Ken on 16 February 2014
It is 50Hz Hum ie mains frequency save for WA that has a 60Hz mains supply.
By: Phil on 2 January 2014
This unit works really well. I had a long standing problem with hum when connecting a keyboard to an effects unit and then into stereo guitar amp. Now I can turn the volume up to maximum with no background noise at all.

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