The pricing for our wholesale/trade accounts has updated as of October 2018.
This pricing update gives a minimum standard Trade (30% margin) discount on the majority of products, and many will have extra discounts on top of the standard trade discount, reaching up to Trade + 70% margin. Freight charges are applicable on all wholesale orders.
There are also Bulk QTY Discounts available on items from a wide range of categories, now enabling healthy discounts for multi-quantity purchases.

Multi-Level Bulk QTY Discounts
- Starting from orders of 3pcs or more, the 'Multi-Level' pricing gives discounts for bulk quantities, allowing for healthy savings.
- Gaining the bulk discount may result in some of the QTY going to back-order, though this system also ensures that when we do have ample stock-on-hand, bulk-qty orders are now offered at much better prices.
Trade QTY Available - auto Back-Order splitting
- The number displayed on the product page (when logged in with your account), to the right of the text "Trade QTY Available:" will indicate the quantity available to order by trade/wholesale customers.
- Any order with quantity exceeding this value, will be automatically split to a Back-Order. These back-orders will be emailed after creation for final confirmation, and must be canceled by the account holder in the 'my account section' within 24hours if you decide to not proceed.
- We have set up the system to typically allow for at least 1x unit to be purchased, unless we are down to the final unit or two. This gives you piece of mind that 1x unit purchases will generally not be affected by the auto-backorder system.
- We do not require payment unless the BO amount is >$1000. In these cases a 20% deposit is required within 7 days.

The Trade QTY available figure is now also displayed on the shopping cart page, enabling you to review QTY's on order before checkout.
If you have any troubles or concerns with the new pricing system, please reach out to myself, or Jonny, and we will happy to hear your thoughts and feedback and help where possible.
Changes can also be provided in a spreadsheet format on request.
Best Regards,
Tom Graham
Managing Director